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New appointments in the sector

< 1 min read

Stephen King has been announced as a part-time Councillor of the National Competition Council.

King is currently the Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics at Monash University. He has extensive experience in competition policy issues, including as a previous member of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

The Australian Coal Association has appointed Greg Sullivan as its new Deputy Chief Executive.

Sullivan is currently Chief Environmental Regulator at the Environment Protection Authority.

Sullivan has held diverse and senior roles in the Queensland and New South Wales governments and the Brisbane City Council. He has also been involved with regulatory reform including the recent creation of an independent Environment Protection Authority in New South Wales.

Australian Coal Association’s Chief Executive Dr Nikki Williams said Sullivan would play a pivotal role in driving changes to the association’s approach to policy and advocacy on behalf of the Australian coal industry.

Third Sector wishes King and Sullivan well in their new roles.

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