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Charities Community Organisations Governance Fundraising Funding Associations Finance

$200,000 boost for community organisation

< 1 min read

The Victorian Government has funded ten community organisations that raise money from local corporate, philanthropic, individual and government sources to build and sustain funding pools, to support a wide range of projects and programs that particularly benefit the disadvantaged in their communities.

Each of the ten community organisations was set a challenge when they received their initial funding, which involved receiving an additional $200,000 if they raised another $100,000 in the community over twelve months.

One of these organisations, Bendigo and Central Victoria Community Foundation, raised more than $119,000 during the past year and so has been rewarded with a $200,000 funding boost from the Victorian Government, on top of $100,000 provided in June last year.

It is believed Bendigo and Central Victoria Community Foundation’s greatest strength is building strategic funding partnerships and mutually-beneficial relationships with local businesses to create a sense of shared responsibility for the future the community.

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