Wesley Mission Victoria to join Uniting Church community organisations merger


CEO Paul Linossier joined Wesley Mission Victoria in January this year, after leaving his position of CEO at non-for-profit organisation Our Watch.

Wesley Mission Victoria aims to support people experiencing disadvantage and vulnerability.

The organisation has recently been invited to join a merger of Victorian and Tasmanian Uniting Church community service agencies, which will take effect in October.

“The new organisation will give us the scale and breadth of coverage across Victoria and Tasmania that enables us to navigate changes arising from Consumer Directed Care reforms across the aged care and disability sectors,” said Linossier.

“We recognise the process of change will be hard and it’s accompanied by both excitement and some grieving, but we’re optimistic about what the future holds.

“Wesley joining in the merger provides the best opportunity for current and future clients.”

Linossier said that it is very important and critical for NFPs to have a strong sense of identity and purpose.

Wesley Mission believes that speaking up against policies is incredibly important.

“Community organisations like Wesley have a critical role in influencing and promoting policy change that works to improve the circumstance and life outcomes of people in vulnerable and difficult situations,” Linossier told Third Sector.

“Wesley has a long and proud history of advocating for a just and inclusive society.”

As a provider of out-of-home care services for 113 years, Wesley has given feedback to the Royal Commission consultation paper on Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Out-of-home Care.

The organisation has also given feedback to the Victorian Government regarding the Gender Equality Strategy.

“It is important to stand with our peer agencies and lend our voice to sector-wide calls for change consistent with our values of hope, compassion and justice,” said Linossier.

“As a leader you need to have deep ownership of the values of the organisation- you need a real capacity to listen to the people around you.”

Linossier told Third Sector that while Wesley is faith based, it has never caused a barrier to wider partnerships.

“Many of our programs are delivered through partnerships- they include other faiths, Uniting Church and independent organisations,” he said.

“Donors and supporters [regardless of faith] want to support us because they believe in our initiatives.”

Linossier believes that housing affordability and the increasing number of people experiencing homelessness remain burning issues for the Australian community.

“All governments need to work together to increase available stock of affordable housing and to closely examine and address the issues that drive and underpin homelessness,” he said.

“We’re also eager to see a bi-partisan commitment and lift in investment for the National Partnership Agreement on Homelessness.”


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